There has been unending debate on how best parents can take advantage of technological advancements to help them execute their parental duties well. This does not have to be confused for digital parenting but just a way to help parents cut across digital evils that come with the use of the internet like pornography.

 This article intends to give a clear outline of the effects of pornography on children as well as how be the Norton Family App is the most suitable application that can fully deal with the spread of pornographic material amongst children especially school going teenagers through its key features.

Effects of Pornography on children

Children who are exposed to pornographic material at an inappropriate age are usually at risk of falling prey to sexual abuse. That is from child molesters as the material usually gives teenagers an urge to experiment what they saw on the pornographic material. This is leading to unwanted pregnancies, risk of contracting sexually transmitted infections and even HIV in a worst-case scenario. 

Rape cases can also emerge from the access to pornographic material. As recent studies have revealed that most minor rape victims are usually exposed to rapists via chat sections provided for by porn sites. Hence the need for them to be blocked or restricted on children’s phones. 

In as far as the effects of porn on children, parents have been urged to take up various porn restrictive applications like the popular Norton Family App. Its features are helpful for parents to be able to monitor their children’s online activity by giving a run-down of its key features.

Key Features of the Norton Family Parental Control Application for Computers

Norton family App has a parental control tool that gives parents exclusive control and access of their child’s phone or tablet or computer. With this provision parents have the sole privilege of being able to monitor websites that their child and gain access to on every web visit.

Its filter system can control the users browsing freedoms by disallowing access to certain applications that one can install and use. Thus, it works as the premium application gatekeeper in a child’s phone.

The popular site is so compatible with almost every smartphone, tablet and computers and is said to be very easy to install and use. Another plus of the app is that it supports both Android and iOS systems making it the overall easy to use, as it does not present much limitation like other applications.

Norton Family App’s growing popularity has been credited towards the fact that once installed within a phone or computer. One is not awarded the privilege to uninstall the application without the consent of the primary installer.

 It also provides a location tracking section where a parent can be able to track their child’s movements in case of any suspicious behaviour.

The application is most viable due to its age filter that allows for the filtering of online material as per age and this will help protect their children from accessing dubious sites.